“Top Gun” 8 Minute Ab Workout – Home Boot Camp Series
In my home boot camp series I select all-star characters from my AXFIT Boot Camps and put them through these hardcore home boot camp workouts! Follow along as I train and motivate you through fun, challenging, and variety of workouts. Use these videos as your own personal trainer. I’d love to hear your comments and recommendations of new boot camp home videos to create.
Follow along with the boot camp workout idea video at home, on the road, the gym, or wherever else you can sneak a boot camp workout in. I’ve also included a printable image that you can bring with you anwhere by printing out or saving to your desktop or mobile device.
“Top Gun” 8 Minute Ab Workout
Client Difficulty: 8/10 Duration: 8 Minutes Group Size: 1+
Workout Categories: Abs + Core + Cardio + Fat Burn + Home
Terrain: Indoor, Outdoor Equipment: Workout Mat Recommended
Workout Overview: In this video i’m with Jocelyn from AXFIT. She’s been with me for many years and is a funny, kick-ass chick that is super fit. Do your best to keep up with her! This home boot camp ab workout can be done anywhere, so no excuses. Have your water close by if you need it, we are going to do 30 secs. of 8 different drills. We will do 2 rounds of the first 4 exercises, then 2 rounds of the second 4 exercises. Get the tightest, strongest, and most ripped abs by mixing up your training and shocking your muscles. Add this into your mix and get results. Let’s do this.