

The Mother Nod | Badass Mother


My belly is huge!! Everyone notices it now and I love passing other mom’s in my day, it’s like when biker’s pass in the street. We give that nod, as to say “Hey…I’m with you, be safe out there!” It’s a mutual respect and I love connecting with women in that way.

Our twins are over 3lbs now and I am 30 weeks tomorrow so the end is near and I am super stoked to meet them, squeeze them, and workout with them. I can’t wait to get my body back in shape, to have a goal, and work my ass off.

I have been writing up a gnarly 6 week workout routine that I will be doing to get myself back in kick-ass shape after these babies. I will be posting a workout video on my Youtube Channel everyday Monday to Friday for 6 weeks straight, 9–15 minute workouts. Anyone can join me on this challenge, we can all hold eachother accountable, a pre-summer body blast routine that will make us all feel badass in our summer clothes.

It’s crazy how much feeling good about our bodies and loving the clothes we wear can affect our moods so much. It gives us more confidence in our day, that extra swag in our step to speak up and get shit done.

I know for me when I have that perfect outfit on I have a better day. Maybe that sounds superficial to some but for me if I feel great on the inside, my body feels great from my workouts on the outside and then my clothes are on point, then I am a force to be reckoned with. I think that the way we dress kinda matches our personalities and when you have them both insync it’s just that right combination. These things can change the whole path of your day, you feel more confident to speak up in a meeting, or talk to a stranger in the street. There’s more chance for opportunities as your feeling like the best version of yourself.

I know that being pregnant has taken a little toll on my ego, it looks like I have a huge beachball stuffed under my shirt. All my favourite clothes are bored hanging in my closet and I have had the hardest time finding pants that are comfortable or that I actually like and feel badass in.

I want to feel as cool on the outside as I do on the inside. My inside/outside vibrations have not been matching lately at all. I’ve been kicking ass in my classes, building my AXFIT youtube channel and online business like a boss. Planning, prepping, and renovating our house, nursery and Urban Surf shop for the upcoming season. I’m proud of myself and excited about our future with these girls but I just really haven’t felt cool on the outside for months.

Well, this week in the mail I got some new pants. I searched high and low online for a style that suits me for a price I felt comfortable paying. Wahoo I FOUND SOME AND I LOVE THEM!!! There called Preggo Leggings, they are super comfortable, totally badass looking and they were at my door in a few days. For every pregnant mama out there, they are a must!! $50 for the jeans and $35 for the leggings, a bunch of different colours to chose from and they feel and fit amazing. I got the black leggings and the Blue Crush Moto jeans, I’m going to miss these pants after!!!

Pregnant with twins

Looking forward to a badass week!


Preggo Leggings

mom of twins



Email me (Danielle Chevalier) if you wanna talk or share your story with me:


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I’ve been posting boot camp related videos to my AXFIT youtube channel for over 8 years now! My passion is sharing and inspiring trainers around the world. I share my training style, which i’m truly honoured has become known as “The AXFIT Training Style”, which was born out of my journey to give clients a fun, efficient, and no-nonsense workout that builds real results.