Olives | Badass Mother
This belly is growing strong, this week it really grew and on Wednesday I had a day of aches and pains like it was just growing all day that day. It’s crazy insane how our bodies do this, it’s really making me take a step back and see more beauty in everything around us. I am in awe over our bodies and this world and how every single one of us was created this way.
I’m at a point when I go out that people want to see it and touch it and ask me questions about it. I know it’s strange but I like when people touch it, I am super fascinated by this growing belly myself that I love sharing moments with people about it too. Plus it just feels good, it’s always itchy and kind of achey so when someone gives it a rub I tell them ‘oh go ahead feel it some more’. I can see it in there eyes that they want to. It’s so cool how people are lured to a woman’s growing baby belly. Like it’s in our instincts to want to touch it and feel life being created in our hands. I know myself I always want to, I hold myself back from palming up a woman’s belly I don’t know. I am yet to have a stranger come up and rub my belly but I think I’d be ok with it.
I crave olives everyday, just typing about it right now is making me debate getting up and popping a few of those salty little devils back! I’d eat olives before but maybe just a few times a year but the last few months, I have 3–6 a day. It’s funny because I am naming one of the girls middle name, Olive, after my Grandma Olive who I miss so much. Other then olives, I don’t really crave anything else, I could say pancakes but I feel everyone craves pancakes. Yummm pancakes.
These two girls are kicking more than ever now, I don’t even know how it’s not ripping open the sacs they are floating around in. I feel more connected to baby “A” as she kicks all day long in there. Baby “B’s” placenta is between her and I so I don’t feel her as much. Until the last ultrasound I was so worried something was wrong as I never felt kicks on that side. The past week though, I now feel her kick hard, but she kicks down low like her feet are trying to push her way to get out of there.
This week the baby app I follow on my phone says that they can hear everything now. Not just my voice but other people and the noises around me too. I think about this all day as I find myself being more aware of my voice. I do a lot of loud yelling in my bootcamp classes, will this make them loud noisy kids? Or maybe really good counters as I am constantly counting reps out to the crew.
I am feeling stronger than ever this week, mentally that is. All the doubts I had the first few months have faded. I will be honest and say that at first I didn’t understand why I was having twins. I like babies but I am not that super maternal type of woman who wants to sit and cuddle and rock her baby all day long. Now I know they are meant to be for me, I know that I have what it takes to pour out the love that they need. Chris, Rya and I have built such a strong bond in our home that this is exactly where these two girls need to be. I can’t wait to see Rya and her sisters love grow, she will be such a hero to them and what a young woman for the job. Rya blows me away everyday, she is a strong leader amongst her peers and she has a heart of gold who has so much to offer this world.
It’s amazing how much love we can have inside of us, think about all the people in your life and how much you love them. I think it’s important to stop and think about that love, recognize it and continue to add fuel to it. It’s like a fire burning, the more you tend to it and put wood in it the bigger and brighter it will glow. Our love and attention to one another is a win-win for everyone. It’s what really counts in this world no matter what’s going on in our lives.
Email me (Danielle Chevalier) if you wanna talk or share your story with me: adrenalinefit@gmail.com
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I’ve been posting boot camp related videos to my AXFIT youtube channel for over 8 years now! My passion is sharing and inspiring trainers around the world. I share my training style, which i’m truly honoured has become known as “The AXFIT Training Style”, which was born out of my journey to give clients a fun, efficient, and no-nonsense workout that builds real results.