Circuit Circuit : Boot Camp Drill Idea
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Circle Circuit – Boot Camp Drill Idea
Video Description:
This is a Circuit Circuit Boot Camp Drill Idea. In this circuit drill I set-up stations around the perimeter of the workout area. You can set-up whatever stations you want based on your equipment and workout terrain. What I did is have clients do as many reps as they can at each station. It was important to push them! After they are done maxing out on repetitions, they go to the middle of the workout area and do 20 reps of the AB exercises I yell out. Try this one out and let me know what you think!
In this video was the first time I have ever trained my group using the circle circuit and they LOVED IT. The feedback was awesome, they loved the freedom to push themselves to their own limits and then some. This was the first time I gave clients the freedom to choose their own “max reps”. I was right on them the whole hour, pushing them and getting them to kick out as much as they could.
Work the workout area to push your clients individually to go faster, stronger, longer…right to their limit. It was a great circuit and I will do it again for sure. It was smooth and with the core drills in between was a perfect way to add variety and get a killer ab workout.
My missions with AXFIT is to create the worlds most innovative train the trainer boot camp resources available worldwide.
Grow your business or just get in the best shape of your life by using our fresh circuit training ideas, boot camp ideas, exercises ideas, specialized boot camp equipment, home boot camp workout program, and more.
Email me (Danielle Chevalier) owner of AXFIT if you have questions about your training or need some advice: adrenalinefit@gmail.com
AXFIT – Danielle Chevalier – BIO
I’ve been kicking-ass for 13 years now and still love every second of it!
A bit about me? I’m a brand ambassador for Lululemon Athletica, and owner of AXFIT and Urban Surf located in my home town of Windsor, Ontario Canada.
I took a leap of faith in 2007 to follow my passion and start AXFIT. With no money, equipment, or studio I learned to work the elements and utilize what I did have. By working with the elements and finding creative ways to get resistance training, motivation, and competition between clients i’ve developed a style of group fitness classes that not only gets clients into their peak condition but builds positive confidence and attitude.
In 2012 Urban Surf was born after my bad-ass stand up paddle board fitness classes (part of Adrenaline Xtreme Fitness) exploded in popularity. Urban Surf has now grown to become one of Ontario’s top water sport destinations.
I always remind myself to live by my favourite saying: “Life Is Not a Practice Run, Make It Count”. We are all so blessed to be in this world and have the opportunity to create our own destiny. I love sharing this with everyone I meet and motivate everyone to reach their full-potential.
When not training I enjoy spending time with my daughter, going on road trips, taking part in creative projects, and exploring new passions.