Tire Exercises for your Clients | XTREME [VIDEO]
Kick UP your training!
Throw in some tires to the mix, you can pick these babies up pretty much from any garage or dump yard if you go in and ask nicely. Or post it up on your facebook that your looking for old used tires and i bet people will be happy to get rid of them too you. So once you have tires try some of these drills out with your clients. In a group or a one on one training session these are excellent exercises.
Anytime you have your arms up over your head and heart it intensifies the cardio especially with tires or sandbags. Your clients will love the way they will feel after this training, ok maybe hate you at the time but definitely love you later!!
Get creative with it, I show you just a few tire exercises in this video below, but the possibilities are endless.
Now go kick some ass!!!