Dear 2013
Dear 2013,
“Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.” ~ Dalai Lama XIV
That is the quote I woke up to when I opened my computer on the first day of the New Year. I think that’s a pretty profound way to look at things, right? High fives and a baseball slap in the ass for you, Dalai Lama. You are pretty cool shit, I must say.
Twenty thirteen, you were a pretty significant year for me. Last year, I decided resolving to do something specific for an entire year wasn’t realistic. A year is a long friggen time! So let’s review last year’s plan:
- I will set attainable goals for myself (and push myself to reach these goals), personally and professionally.
- I will be the best me I can, personally and professionally.
- I will be happy with what I have while I pursue all that I want.
Well, I am happy to say, I pretty much kicked ass in attaining my professional goals in 2013. I vowed to look for a new job and rock that shit. On July 2nd, I started the most rewarding job I have ever had. I see things on a regular basis that you can’t even imagine and I have so much more appreciation for all the things I have; Family, friends, a home and more. What started out as a part time position (and included me still working my former job at the same time) has taken me into two other roles with the organization I work for, bringing me to a full time job to start the New Year. While I didn’t accomplish all of health and fitness goals, I have definitely become a better mother and wife and I am happier than I have been in a very long time. I am at peace with what I have, and where I see my life going in 2014 and beyond.
This morning I sat down with Danielle to talk about goals for 2014, short term and some longer term goals to look toward for health and fitness goals as well as a few personal ones. I need to make monthly goals for myself, with bigger goals that the smaller goals will lead to.
- Prepare, prepare, prepare: I am a procrastinator by nature. I need to sit down at the beginning of each week, with a calendar and plan for myself and my family. I also need to get back to meeting with Jennifer Oliver for her nutrition expertise!
- Meals on the go: Working a new job has let me slip into being ‘unprepared’ (AKA frickin’ lazy) and just grabbing things that aren’t necessarily a healthy choice. I work in an environment where I have access to a refrigerator so really, there are no excuses not to have healthy foods on hand for meals and snacks. I have incorporated keeping a ‘Magic Bullet’ in my office so I can rock the smoothies.
- Menu planning and meal prep: rather than scrambling to find something to make for dinner when I get home from work, I need to make a menu on Saturday or Sunday for the upcoming week, shop for what I need and do any prep that can be done ahead of time. Washing and cutting vegetables, putting smoothie ingredients in baggies and making freezer meals.
- Scheduling physical activity: Looking at my calendar for the week and scheduling Axfit classes, training sessions or visits to the gym. This way it is part of my schedule. Not rocket science. (Disclaimer: I have never claimed to be a rocket scientist.)
- Challenging myself: With setting smaller monthly goals, it is easier to see the results and keep motivated for the longer term ones. This month I am participating in The Windsor Star’s Kelly Steele and Axfit Danielle’s, New Year New You Challenge. If you want to be part of my group, I have a Facebook group set up for us to share ideas and motivate each other. From there I am going to share with Kelly, via my blog. Danielle is actually part of the group and willing to answer any questions you have!
- Events to look forward to: Since I was clearly the star of the Heartbreaker Challenge last year, I don’t want to disappoint my fans. I will be making a couple of appearances.
- Heartbreaker Challenge: I am struggling with registering for this event this year. That was one of the proudest moments of my life, and I definitely want to take part again. I want to get another kick as team and kick ass. The problem I am facing is that, that week-end is my son’s first baseball tournament. I need to see if I can swing both…
- Dirty Girl Run: So far so good with the scheduling for this one. I fully expect to hear Christina Aguilara belting out Diiiirrrty for me as I cross the finish line.
- A 5K: Running is STILL my nemesis. I am going to commit to running a few times a week. No more of this, “I am going to run every day for the rest of my life and love it” bullshit. I will get there, eventually, but I have to do it at my own pace. I am going to do this on my own. I have a couple runs in mind (including the Colour Run) with my kids. Stay tuned…I may just surprise you…and myself flaunting my first medal in the very near future.
- Carving out time for important things: I find that now that I am no longer working from home, I am struggling with a work/home balance.
- Family nights: Whether it’s just watching a movie, making Rainbow Loom stuff or a board game, we need to spend time together not on a schedule. With school and sports and life in general, we need to slow down and just be a family.
- Date nights: My husband and I have always been really good about making time for date nights. We realized a few weeks ago that we’ve pretty much been sucking at that. When Mike and I have no grown up time together, it shows. We become frustrated and other things seem to fall apart too. We need to set an amazing example for our children, and that means nurturing our own relationship. Let’s face it, I am stuck with this clown forever, I might as well enjoy it!
- Time with friends: There’s no excuse. Lunch dates, pedicures with my BFF, quick visits, there’s always time to be made. Weeks turn into months and next thing you know a year has passed. Life is too short to not make time for the people you care most about. So, friends, if I have been neglecting you (and this includes my Axfit Boyfriends), I will be seeing you VERY soon…consider yourself warned! 😉
- Alone time: Sometimes I really just need to be alone. Whether it’s reading a smutty novel, getting my hair done or going for a walk. Most of all, BLOGGING! I have seriously been slacking on this and this is something I LOVE. It keeps me motivated and lets me escape for just a bit. As you can see, this is one long winded blog because it’s been too damn long! I just can’t STOP!
- Learning to stop feeling guilty: In order to create the work/home balance I have sucked at thus far, I need to make time for the important things first, and say no to things that I just can’t swing. I need to stop worrying about upsetting people and stop feeling guilty. If my friends and family care about me, they will understand why I can’t commit to certain things. In order to have it all, I can’t be everything to everyone all the time. I can do what I can and be happy knowing that I am doing the best I absolutely can for myself, my family and my career. I truly believe that if I can accomplish this goal, all the rest will come together so much easier.
This year I will be 40, (I know, shocking right?) and with that I want to embrace getting older knowing that I am living the life I am meant to live in the healthiest and happiest ways possible. So, basically my goals for the year are to rock what the Dalai Lama is preachin’, keep setting short and long term goals for myself, show 2014 who’s boss and be Fab at 40!
So, 2013, it’s been a slice. I feel like the end of 2012 and all of 2013 have paved such an incredible path to amazing things that are going to happen in the future!