Let’s get Shredded – Day 5 Workout Routine
My all time favourite, it’s LEG DAY again. Day 1 and 5 our my favourite workouts, mostly because for the rest of that day and 3 days after my legs are feeling so great, everything feels strong, tight and a little bit sore. The 1 leg lunges I did today were killer and I know I’ll be feeling them for days, I love that feeling. It keeps me in check, reminds me of all the hard training I put in and that makes me feel proud and on track to reach my goals.
I love when clients tell me how sore they are, when I here from the “new girl” the next class she’s at, “I couldn’t sit and stand for the last 5 days” , I don’t know it just makes me so happy. Haha the more pain they feel the better.
So focus on those Legs, ya you fellows too. You can’t just train your upper body, trust me your body will never reach it’s full potential if you don’t balance it all. Your legs have the largest muscles on your body so when they are trained they will strengthen your whole body and it will improve everything you do with your upper body and vis versa. In the routine below modify anything you have to, to make it suit what equipment you have, like if you don’t have a squat rack available then just do regular squats with as much weight as you can hold. Keep your form spot on and really get low. These supersets work well together, they will keep your heart rate going and your muscles bruning. Take minute breaks when needed, stay hydrated and train your ass off.
This video I go over a few moves, check out the one leg lunges if your not sure how to do them right, your form is very important!!
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Once you eat Steel cut oats, you will never go back. You will crave them every morning, not only from the way they taste but how much energy you feel from them and they keep you satisfied for hours. This is our favourite breakfast, CK might love it even more then I do. Try some out this week, you can even make a big pot of them and then reheat it every morning, a lot quicker during the work week.
Add any fruit you would like, I throw in a few dashes of nutmeg, cinnamon and hemp hearts during the cooking process, yummm I’m craving them right now!!