Looking to amp up your cardio and strength training routine? Our workout will get your heart rate high and your muscles strong! You will be challenged with high intensity cardio intervals, functional training moves, strength training exercises, and more. Get out of your regular routine and into your next level of fitness. (1 Hour)
- HeavyCircuits: In these classes we will do more exercises with weights. I’ve went out and bought new equipment for classes, which includes heavier dumbbells. We will focus on building muscular arms, back, shoulders, core, and legs! Get ready to feel stronger then ever.
- Cross Training: These classes will focus on working your entire body. We will use weights, circuits, and high intensity interval training to increase overall athleticism, strength, and flexibility.
- Circuit Training: We all know adrenaline circuit days. This will be a class dedicated to a unique variety of fun, challenging, and body burning circuits.
Think you’re not in good enough shape to start? Think again!
Classes are designed to keep everyone challenged regardless of fitness level. It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie or a triathlete. Every exercise performed is effort based making sure all levels are able to participate and give their personal 100%. Questions? Give me a Call: 519-790-8017 or Email: adrenalinefit@gmail.com