
Whats in your recycle bin?

So its recycling day and your hauling out your bins to the road..  how many bins are you hauling out? what kinda crap do you have in those bins anyways?

This would be a great time to asses what you actual eat in a 2 week span.  Ok so Im not saying you have to have a garden out back.. eat only fresh foods and spend hours cooking every week.. but take a min and really look at what you actually eat and serve your family.   Is there frozen pizza boxes,  frozen breakfast boxes, canned spegettishit or t.v dinners over flowing 3,..4…5 bins at the end of your driveway?  If so.. this could be the answer to why you may feel sluggish mid-day or maybe why your kid runs around wild and you think they could have A.D.D

It’s hard to always eat clean and make time to cook fresh but you have to remember that a lot of what we eat reflects how we feel , act and look.   I’ll tell you this over my many years of being a trainer anyone that has come to me with weight problems and i asked them if they drink pop and if they say “yes”  i tell them to quit right then and there..I say “give me one month” well within that 2-4 week span they lost 10-12 lbs just from taking pop out of their diets.  Those pop cans..  stay away .. not to mention all this crap we eat it’s just left behind in the world.  It’s crazy how much waste each family has in a week and add that all up and I bet it’s a pretty disgusting site to see.







Im guilty myself.. as we all are, but let’s change this..even just a little.  Let’s set a goal this week to buy less pre packaged foods at the grocery store.  It’s simple, stick to the outside isles .. it’s those inner lanes at the supermarket that suck you into all their wonderful packaging and your cravings go wild and before you know it it’s in your cart.

Let’s have a great week ahead and work this goal we have.. fight through the headaches from pop/junk withdrawals and let’s get healthier!!