Partner Workouts | Circuit Training
My Clients love training this way!!!
It’s great to pop out some partner workouts every now and then, it keeps it fun for them and changes things up too. The only thing is you have to keep everyone in the zone. People tend to want to talk if they are in a small group, so make it clear that this is not allowed. Maybe if you catch someone talking call them out and make the whole class do extra. haha no one wants to be the one who made everyone do more!!! Crank the music and push them hard.
With a big group you have to be and see everything, having a wireless mic is key. This is one of the most useful tools and worth the investment. people love to train to music, it helps motivate them, helps time go by faster for them and if its the right beats they can really get into a zone. So you want to have music loud and a mic so they can hear you over top of it!!
Ok so these drills in the video are high intensity and keep your core guessing and wanting more!! 😀 You always have to remind your clients to focus on their core outward, twist with it, jump with it, punch with it and so on.
Watch as my members tear up these drills and push their partners though the minute sets!!
Try some partner workouts next time in your group training.