
My Coffee Strike Update

Well.. it’s Day 2:   Besides the awful raging monster inside me that wants to crawl out and die.. Just kidding..haha  Im actually feeling great!  No different really then any other day, however it’s only day 2. So I think today and tomorrow will be the test.  Im drinking hot water with lemon as we speak and Im loving it.  I trained Adrenaline last night and was on fire.. had this super charge in me.. maybe it was from NO coffee during the day so it didnt make me feel slugish…but its just to early to tell .  Im curious to know if i will have a headache today or tomorrow like i did last week when i ran out.. really curious to see.

So just wanted to give you a quick update and so far I am still alive. haha.

Oh and Our Nurse Thrasher  decided to join me on this coffee experiment , it’s something she has been thinking about doing so sometimes doing these kinda things are easier with a friend for support.   Let’s do this girl!

Have an excellent day