
My Coffee strike Update

What’s up everyone. DAY 3 here..:

Well I woke up with the worst headache but I faught through it and let some stress out in a workout and felt great the rest of the day.  I had an awesome breakfast and lunch and can’t wait to kick it hard at UnLeashed tonight.  So Day 3 no coffee and Im feeling great.

I do miss it.. haha  i just love sipping at it and the smell of it.. but my great friend Meaghan & Norm gave me a great gift… A Magic bullet. I feel so thankful and now start my days with a fruit shake along side my favourite food “CEREAL” .  I’m pretty excited so thank you so much Meg & Norm, cheers to you. ha

it’s funny cause I tried quitting coffee many times and couldn’t do it. I guess blogging about it holds me accountable and by putting it out there it helps me achieve this experiment.  I don’t know this might be the end of my coffee needs. Feelin’ fresh baby.

Let’s have an incredible end to our week and a fun weekend everyone!  Enjoy the simple things and don’t take anyone or anything for granite .