“FML” – This trend needs to stop!
Why have we let these 3 letters get so far and so popular?
I see “FML” about 5x a day either in someone’s status, email, text or on a website or twitter. LOL. Our social networking is growing like crazy and I believe it will only get bigger and bigger. It’s amazing really, the world seems just so much smaller everyday to me. We can pretty much contact anyone in the world now, even find where they live and google map right down to a street view of their house.
Social networking being the number 1 way for communication now a days we can’t keep these ‘FML’s in our short list of words, it’s depressing, ungrateful and just so annoying to me. I don’t know maybe I’m the only one that agrees with this but it’s my website so I will write what I want and I need to get this off my chest.
I just think that, OK if you just found out you got an STD or say you found out you have a month to live, then sure “FML”. But if it’s just ‘Monday morning’ or you ‘forgot your gym shoes at home’ is it really worth feeling or especially saying F#@K my life? Really? Does Life not mean more to you then that? Maybe a punk teenager belting it out, but when we are seeing everyday working adults posting this away it’s just silly to me.
Well something to think about and well if you disagree then continue putting that negative effect into your life and everyone in your bubble, you can even go to this website and share all your “FML”s all day long. lol