My Favourite Gym Workout!
This is an advanced style of training and great for men, women, weight loss or body building. This routine is AWESOME and burns like hell it’s My Favourite Gym Workout!!
Check out the video below and then next time your at the gym try it out.. sometimes I start with it and other times I end my workout with it at the gym. I set my watch for 8-10 mins and just get up in a plank and won’t touch my belly or knees down until that timer beeps. Thats the goal anyways and if your beginner then you can use your knees a little and you will probably go for 2-3 mins. You can slowly work your way up.
For you body builders out there.. this will be a sick way to add that shred you want to your core and arms.. try it out.. let me know how you do please. Even the strongest of the strong will find this style crazy hard and its great to push our limits and change things up for our body they get bored of the same old shit!
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So after your workout let me know in the comment below this post how you did.. how long did you go for and how did you feel!!