How to put the ‘Smooth’ in a Smoothie
Making a smoothie every morning as part of a daily routine is something your body and wallet will thank-you for! Make a habit out of it. Set apart 10-15 minutes every morning. When you do it like a pro and use the right fruits, vegetables, and even grains you’ll get the majority of your daily nutrition all before lunch. On top of all this, the high water and nutrient content will keep you hydrated and will have you feeling super human all day!
So how do you make “Smoothie Making” more efficient? What’s our Quick Tip?
“Power Cubes!”
Power Cubes are iced cubes of “Kale, Spinach, Lemon, Mint, Parsley, and Ginger”. If your not making these powerful little cubes yet then you have to get on it! They are simple to make and you can combine any of your favourite smoothie ingredients to make these cubes just need to add a little water to the mix. This recipe here is our go-to and we always have a zip lock bag full of them in the freezer.
Why we do this?
These cubes make the consistency and concentration of your smoothies so smooth, it also makes smoothie making convenient to prepare. When things are easy your more likely to do it, it’s a simple step that can be done once every week or two. These greens tend to wilt quickly in the fridge so by making these cubes you will save lots of money on buying these supplies and they really make a great replacement for regular ice cubes in your smoothie making.
You don’t have to measure the amounts you put in just eye ball it, I do half the batch of all these ingredients bought. So half the bag of Spinach, half the kale, half of a lemon, ginger and so on. This amount here makes me 2 ice cube trays full. Peel your lemon and ginger of course.
Take half the amount of ingredients here and blend them with 3-4 Tbs of water and then add the other half with a little more water and blend until completely smooth. If it’s not blending well add a touch more water and if too running add a little more greens.
Once you get that nice smooth consistency pour the mixture into your trays and freeze them.
I love how they look after, so shiny and they pop right out of the trays real easy.
It’s that simple, takes me 5 minutes to prepare and 5 minutes to clean up. I throw 2-4 cubes of these cubes into my smoothies depending on the other ingredients I use. Get creative, have fun with the mixture of these cubes and what you mix them with after they are made. One of my favourite smoothies is our AxFit Green power Smoothie, try it out and let me know how you like it or share your favourite smoothie combination with us in the comments below.
Happy Smoothie making!!!