Chia Seeds – Are they in your diet yet?
Chia means “STRENGTH” in Mayan.
Ok so if it isn’t enough that Chia seeds have more calcium then milk, more Omega-3’s then salmon and more antioxidants then berries these little seeds are packed with energy but won’t keep you up at night. Chia seeds absorb many times their size and weight in liquid. A great substitute for you ‘none egg eaters’ or adding a few teaspoons to coconut water to make a natural power-gel energy drink. Because they absorb so much water these little seeds prevent dehydration during exercise and hot summer days.
So I hate to make this a science project but I just have to list some of what they contain:
- Essential fatty acids
- Vitamins A, B, E and D
- 30 % protein
- strontium
- minerals that include calcium, potassium, sulphur, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamine, silicon
- anti-oxidants
Wow…Super Power Food that you can add to everything you cook, bake and blend.
It’s absolutely incredible what such a tiny seed can pack into it. They are used for their nutritional reasons, medical properties, endurance for athletes, weight loss and they even help suppress an appetite. Since the seeds dissolve so quickly in water it creates a gelatin, this gelatin forms from the soluble fiber that’s in the seeds. I read that researchers believe that this gel-forming action also takes place in our stomachs when we eat Chia seeds. So this slows down the conversion of carbs into sugar, which helps with our endurance and metabolic rates.
So if you want to replace an egg in a recipe you have to try making Chia Eggs. It’s super simple, it’s just Chia seeds and water. I have made these chia eggs both with the seeds ground up and whole and both ways work. So if your tight for time or you don’t have anything to grind them with then leave them whole.
How to make a Chia Egg
(I made a Chia/Flax seed Egg today)
Sub for 1 regular egg :
- 1 Tbs ground Chia Seeds or a mix of both Chia and Flax
- 3 Tbs water
In the pics here I did 1 Tbs of Flax and 1 Tbs Chia seeds mixed with 6 Tbs water.
Pulse seeds up in Ninja or any other food processor.
Pour into a bowl and add your water then mix
With in 30 seconds your egg will be formed
Voila, now you can add this as a replacement for eggs in any recipe or add it to smoothies to give it a thicker texture.
The other day I tried creating a way to enjoy this energizing natural power-gel, so I made this Power Pudding, I had it before I went to train my Adrenaline class and I honestly had 4 people say “wow your spunky tonight” in a few different ways. IT WORKED!!! haha I truly felt energized and had a need for speed.
Here’s what I mixed:
- 2 Chia eggs (I made in the pics above)
- 1 Tbs Cocoa Powder
- 1/4 cup Almond Milk
- 1Tbs Honey
- 1/2 Tsp Vanilla Mix it all together and enjoy this natural power food.
Try new things with your diet, don’t get stuck in regular habits, get OUTSIDE of your box and enjoy all the benefits it will bring to you.