Wanna Bet?
You can also read this post, here.
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution this year? Contrary to years past, where I resolved to do something I would work at frantically, then quit after about 96 hours into the year (Check out Life With Ladies thoughts on Resolutions), I have decided the following for 2013:
- I will set attainable goals for myself (and push myself to reach these goals), personally and professionally.
- I will be the best me I can, personally and professionally.
- I will be happy with what I have what I have while I pursue all that I want.
According to the University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology, the #1 New Year’s Resolution of 2012 was to lose weight. I am pretty sure it’s a safe to presume that it’s also the top resolution made this year. While it is not a ‘resolution’ to lose weight for me, I am on a path to health and happiness that I am nowhere near finished!
Do you have a few pounds to lose? Resolution or not, how about we make a friendly wager? I bet you I can lose 4% of my weight in just four weeks. Do you think you can do the same? I have made a Dietbet and I would like you to join me!
First, read the rules of the Dietbet carefully: http://www.dietbet.com/rules
Then, head over to my Dietbet page and sign up. It’s only a $20 bet. Just think, that’s less than a large pizza (that you likely won’t want to eat during the next 4 weeks anyhow).
Weigh in (read the rules carefully about how to do this properly) by Sunday January 6th, 2013 and let’s do this!! Everyone who loses 4% of their weight is entitled to an equal portion* of the pot! (You can also donate your winnings to charity!) It’s easy!!
Are you in? http://www.dietbet.com/games/5627
*Dietbet does take a small portion of the pot before it is divided among those who reach their target weight