The Christmas Climb – for Sheltered Women
Joins us this Christmas Eve morning, and bring your family and friends with you! This is an amazing event we do every year; not only are you working out and earning that delicious Christmas Dinner , but your going to be helping an amazing organization give sheltered women what they need! So, please we ask that you all bring a donation of canned goods or dry foods if you can, we want to fill the back of my red Adrenaline truck like we did last year!!
Here’s a little bit about the Charity we are sponsoring for this Christmas Climb.
“The Welcome Centre Shelter for Women is a program of services to homeless women 18 years of age and over, developed and operated by the Well-Come Centre for Human Potential. Embracing a ‘housing first‘ strategy, the primary service offered is a place to live versus a place to receive treatment.
The shelter is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for up to 11 homeless women. An integrated, anti-racist, anti-oppressive feminist service delivery system is utilized to promote empowerment, dignity, privacy, respect and independence for all residents. As there is only one facility in Windsor to accommodate homeless women, the shelter is open to all women whether or not they are using drugs or alcohol.
In addition to this, the Welcome Centre hosts an emergency food bank which is open to women and their children who reside west of Crawford as well as a weekly Drop In program which provides low income women over the age of 16 a hot meal, access to community resources and social support.”