
Sleep and Fitness : Get to Bed Junkies!

Sleeping right is part of training!

There is a lot of research backing up how important sleep is for you. It’s while sleeping that your body will burn fat, build muscle, and repair injured cells in your body. But without getting to scientific…in a nutshell – SLEEP IS VERY IMPORTANT!

We are all kicking it up so hard in class and want to see results, but even the best training plans will not work if sleep and nutrition are neglected. Lack of sleep will also affect your performance during high intensity training programs. Without adequate sleep (8 hours) there is not enough rest for muscle cell growth and repair. In fact, when you sleep, growth hormone is produced and protein synthesis in the muscles occurs if you eat foods with protein during the day.

Lack of sleep can also affect your mood and increase hormonal stress levels which will have a negative impact on performance. Now, one night of missed sleep is not going to have many negative effects on your performance, but several days in a row or a few weeks of interrupted sleep can lead to symptoms similar to over-training syndrome.

Recovery and growth will take a backward step in your training program if you do not prioritize sleep, so get to sleep if you want to grow bigger, faster, and stronger.






Post By: CK