3 Simple Body Cleansers and Detox Drink
Alright everyone, so here are 3 simple way’s to “Detox” your body. I do hesitate to use the term “Detox”, because it can give the impression of “quick fix” solution. I prefer to call these scientifically proven solutions “Body Cleanser”, which should be part of your daily routine and lifestyle. Creating and maintaining optimal health cannot be done through quick fixes, it must be through consistent and routine habits. Add these 3 items to your daily routine and you will feel the difference, trust me and the thousands doing them! They are extremely simple, but are proven, effective, and most importantly easy!
So what is a detox/cleanse anyway? “Detoxification” refers to the body’s ability to neutralize and safely eliminate harmful chemicals within the body. Detoxification has an impact on almost all systems of the body: cardiovascular, nervous, immune, respiratory, reproductive, gastrointestinal, urinary, skin, musculoskeletal and endocrine.
After you add body cleansing habits to your lifestyle, you will feel cleaner both physically and mentally. You may also feel more alert and energetic and you will feel better after digestion of food because the process has been better than when you’re insides were clogged.
CK’s 3 Simple Solutions for Naturally Cleansing Your Body
One of the body’s most natural method of toxin removal is sweating. So if you didn’t already have enough reason’s to exercise, there is one more!
Another way to break a sweat or has more sweating to your life is to occasional venture into a dry sauna or steam room.
Drink lemon water
Have a glass of lemon water everyday! You can drink it hot or cold. Lemon’s are among the list natural liver cleansing foods, which are major players in the body’s detoxification process. (It even fights fat and boosts your immune system.)
If you haven’t started to juice yet, I highly recommend starting! Juicing isn’t just a trendy way to lose weight or consume more greens—it’s a powerful tool for detoxing your body. Purchasing a Juicer is among the top investments in your health…I like to consider it buying more years to my life. If you have a juice and are looking for a simple, detoxifying Juice I recommend the Healthy Green Juice Recipe.
Need an Extra Boost? Try this Secret Weapon:
What you Need:
- Dandelion Root Tea
- Ice
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Lemon Juice
- Cinnamon
- Stevia
How to Make:
Brew Dandelion Root Tea and let cool. In a jug or pitcher mix a few ice cubes, apple cider vinegar (the more you use, the more the detox effect but also the more bitter the drink will be), lemon juice of at least one full lemon, a sprinkle of cinnamon and stevia to taste. Drink a glass first thing in the morning to kick start your day! Creating a large quantity will allow you to store in the refrigerator for more throughout your week.
Detoxification and Cleansing Properties of this Drink:
Apple Cider Vinegar:
The acids in apple cider vinegar bind to toxins and help the body get rid of them more effectively. It also helps fight against yeast, bacteria, and fungus. It breaks up mucus in the body and helps digestion. It also helps circulation and helps the liver detoxify.
Stimulates gastric juices which means it helps in detoxification, and it eliminates gases in the digestive tract. Lemon juice has a high potassium content which helps destroy toxins. Lemon juice helps bile secretion, which helps break down fats correctly.
Even mild dehydration can prevent the kidneys from detoxing the blood, so staying hydrated with sufficient water is so important. I have written more on the importance of water and staying hydrated here!
**Dandelion Root Tea:
Yes, I did double star this ingredient! First of all dandelion is great at supporting your liver. Your liver does A LOT and needs all the help it can get. Dandelion supports the gallbladder, as well as a lot or other organs in the body. Dandelion improves digestion. The root of dandelion tones the organs of your body. Dandelion root is high in iron, magnesium, protein, phosphorus, aluminum and much much more!
Some people call dandelion the elixir of long life as it brings you vitality and makes you strong. The root of dandelion can help with different ailments, such as cancer, heart and lung problems, digestive problems and painful joints.
Another interesting fact – Dandelion Root has been showing to be a potential cure of cancers. There is research in the works as we speak.
You Can Buy Dandelion Root Tea Here:
Stabilizes blood sugar and is an antiviral.
I do want to make it clear that there are no real “quick fix” solutions. The above will definitely help and provide the temporary relief, but a simple detox doesn’t completely cleanse the body, it’s how you eat after that defines your body’s new path. It’s important that you kick-start life with healthy and conscious eating.
Choose your food wisely and try to adapt new simple habits to keep you healthy. For example, you can also commit to drinking more water, eating more greens, exercising daily, or reducing stress. These are all great way’s to cleanse your body and mind.