
Running Diaries: Tis’ the Season

Tis’ the season to tie up those running shoes and get your training going! If you dont start in the spring you will have a hard time starting at all. It’s the perfect weather, warm, not hot. Make sure you have a good pair of proper running shoes, if your not running in the right pair you will not be enjoying it as much as you should be. Running should not be a job, but a vacation from your regular day. It is to let the stress out at the end of the day and to start your day off on the right healthy tract in the morning before you start your busy day.

I’ve been off a regular training schedule for most of the winter and I could not be more happy to start back to a regular schedule. It is the easiest way to get into a routine and hold to it. Get out a calendar for the month and sit down, mark which days you are going to do your runs on and how long you are going to go (shorter runs during the week and a longer run on the weekend is best due to busy week schedules), which days are going to be Adrenaline classes and mark your work schedule and kids events on there too. This will help you judge if you have enough time for a long run or short run. The whole idea of this is to make sure you have that run time scheduled in there for YOURSELF, its ME time, not time for anyone else but YOU! Make sure your goal runs are realistic, you don’t want to mark down that you will be running 10km right away if you havent been up to par on running lately.

You have many months ahead of you so don’t push yourself to hard to ruin the rest of your summer. Ease into it and most importantly, HAVE FUN WITH IT!!! Slowly increase your distance, then slowly start to increase your pace, remember it all comes with time. The hardest part is pacing yourself, once you have that down you are set to run any distance! Talk to yourslef throughout ther run, encourgae yourself and keep telling yourself YOU CAN DO IT, when you say you can’t that’s when your body shuts down on you!

I hope all you guys sit down and make up that spring/ summer training schedule after you have read this. I hope to write under the Runner’s Diary once a week so do if you have anything you would like to learn more about send somethings my way and I would love to help you guys out!

Remeber anyone can run if your in the right statye of mind.
