
Nothing Stops them!

 Nothing stops these  Adrenaline Junkies from their workout, they are absolutely amazing. I have to tell yas a bit about them, it would be crazy to not share the motivation and drive these moms…. and Paul have.

So let me give you the break down as to what Adrenaline Stroller-Fit  is all about.

We do not just stroll around the park walking or even jogging.  These Junkies do hill sprints with a baby in their arms, tire flips across the field and crazy ab workouts with a 20-30lb baby on them.  lol They go hard and really push everything they have.  It’s their time ..their hour to let it all out.,. and get those pre – baby bodies back!

These parents didn’t just get up and drive to the hill for an ass whooping.   These Junkies plan from the night before to set the timing right for a smooth morning.  They get snacks or bottles prepared and packed, strollers in the trunk and get those kids to bed and then up all at the right times.  The whole workout they have a little, tiny babies to provide for and keep happy and cool or warm depending on the time of year.  Some of the parents even bring 2 kids. one baby and one 2-3-4 year old that has a balst cause they get to join into the workouts.   The best part about that is that when the moms tell me their toddlers were telling them to do push ups for Ms. Danielle while at home in the kitchen.  LOl.. to me that is an amazing lesson for them.  To teach them how important exercise at such a young age.  I swear these babies of stroller-fit are the best students in math when their older. haha all my yelling of numbers in the sets.

 I LOVE training this class, I definitely get my fix of babies.. I secretly love when one of the babies get fussy and needs to be held so I can step in and hold them while I yell at their mommies to give me 10 more perfect pushups..hehe.   Mid summer we would have 30-40 moms and all their cuties working the paths of Kiwanis Park.  I got to say I am super excited about moving the stroller-fit class indoors for the first time this winter.  It will be a total different workout indoors with these babies, minus the strollers so these babies will be more of a weight for our training then not. 😀  With all the amazing equipment at The WFCU Centre has we will definitely shock our bodies with the workouts we are going to be doing.  All moms and dads are welcome to join us, first session is always free to try and you can even bring a toddler too.  It’s all moms and dads. so no one mines a crying baby or a wondering 3 year old.

I think one of the best parts about Adrenaline Stroller-fitness is the inspiration these moms and dads have they let nothing get in the way of their workout. A cranky teething baby..  sleepless nights… no way they make it work, and they give it everything they got because they have set these goals and will hit them.

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