Healthy Eating on the Road
A much needed call out… with no harm intended, try to practicing Healthy eating on the road!!
Summer’s winding down and it’s road trip season.. you know before you go on that road trip that there really isn’t anything healthy along the way.. so don’t justify your bad service station choices as an excuse cause you need to eat.. Get your act together!! Yea this is a bit of a call out.. but we all need it once in a while. I’m guilty of saying “well all they have is Wendy’s so I have to have a buger..” but no we don’t have to have that burger… or bag a chips or doughnut.
You don’t forget to fuel up the car or pack your underwear.. maybe even load up that ipod with some fresh tunes.. so start packing some fresh fruits, health bars, bottles of water , cut up veggies or make some warps. I have to many clients tell me I was away on vacation and there was nothing healthy.. this is the worst excuse.. there’s always ways around this. The time it takes you to say the excuse you could have done it. So your friends are going into that calorie operated service station, you can go on in there too… stretch those legs out and eat that apple or trail mix you pre-packed. Trust me in about 30 mins well your cruzing down the highway you will be feeling a lot better then the dude next to you who’s all gasy.
These vacations we take.. business trips.. whatever the reason… there’s always a trip up a head… it can’t be a reason to fall off everytime and cheat. Most trips you really don’t even need to eat.. like if its 2-3 hour drive… what you can’t last without stuffing your face?? Eat before you leave.. no reason to grab a burrito at the service station before Aunt Donna’s pig roast just because your passing by and it’s a fun part of the trip.
Don’t ruin all your hard work.. with a “quick fix”… it’s not worth it.. be proud.. think and plan ahead.
Share any tips you have with us for healthy traveling in the comment section below. We would love to share your ideas along with ours to everyone!