
Get out and do the things you LOVE!!

So we talk about Adrenaline training and working out at the gym a lot, but I am also a huge believer in getting your workout in other ways too. Sports, activities.. hobbies you make have, these are a great way to get your fitness in.

We went Mt. biking yesterday in the states at this park called Stoney Creek. It was 45-50 min from the border and it was absolutely amazing. Especially this time of year with the leaves all red and orange and yellow.

So Mt. biking is like a crazy core, leg workout… ok and cardio  Those hill climbs are intense and your heart rate spikes real fast, I was surprised how out of breath I was. lol.   Oh then the legs… boy were they on fire, I never felt a burn like that from a leg press ever in my whole life.  I love it,  I grew up Mt. Biking with my big brother but haven’t done it in years,, shit I have been missing out.  So Im on a hunt for a new bike cause this workout was awesome.

It’s great for your body to do multiple activities, it’s a balance in life, what you do in the gym will aid in the activities you do and Vis Versa.  i will tell ya my core and legs are so sore today.. and I mean I workout 1-3 times a day so i know this Mt. Biking worked me.  Although I did do an endo over my handle bars and go flying off my bike.. haha.   So if you are new to the sport be super careful, take it slow and don’t be a super hero!!

Enjoy all the great activites in life.. don’t wait until tomorrow….. get out there and do it TODAY!!!