
Food & Fitness: 7 Tips

Below are 7 useful tips related to food and fitness! There is nothing new here, things we all know, but sometimes forget. Listed here are 7…if you have your own tips please include in the comment section!

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    1. Don’t skip meals. Keep your metabolism humming by feeding your body throughout the day.
    2. Add good fats — such as nuts, nut butter, avocado, olives and flax seeds — to all meals. Fat helps the body feel full longer, which helps prevent overeating.
    3. Include source of protein – like eggs, fish, poultry, or lean beef at all meals. Proteins increase your body’s metabolism and are essential for a strong, healthy body.
    4. Eat Less Carbs as the day progresses. Carbs are for energy; eat more during the parts of the day that require more energy: morning (breakfast) and afternoon (lunch).
    5. Have an afternoon snack that consists of carbs and protein. Think: apple slices with peanut butter or yogurt with fruit. This will help you have more self-control at dinner, which is when most overeating occurs.
    6. Drink plenty of water and green tea if you like it; it increases your metabolism and gives your body energy. Add lemon or lime for flavor, but don’t add calories, such as sugar or honey and avoid artificial sweeteners.
    7. Limit alcohol calories where possible. Try drinking vodka water and stay away from sugar loaded drinks.  these can sabotage any real fitness goals…potentially putting you out the morning after.



Post By: CK