“Don’t forget about ME!!!”
Yep!!! This is what your body is saying to you as you leave your house in the morning…while the only thing on your brain is ‘I hope the line isn’t to long at Tim Hortons!!’ This routine must stop today. We ask so much of our bodies everyday.. we hate being sick.. we hate the feeling of being tired and drained, so change it. At least one person at every workout ask’s me “Danielle, why do I feel so drained ?” . Well for starters 6/10 people dont eat breakfast in the morning, or enough throughout the day..they say “well I’m not hungry when I wake up….its too early… I have no time..” Yes theses are all good excuses however they can be broken pretty easily. Stop creeping facebook or YouTube 15 min. earlier and get to bed, set that alarm 15 mins earlier and get up and EAT. The first few mornings its going to be kinda of tough.. cause your not use to it and you wont be feelin’ it at all, so start small. Try this; a bowl with one container of yogurt a few berries or bananas whatever you like and some granola. Its easy to make, super delicious and just what your body needs to give back to you what you want form it!!!
Before you know it you are going to be waking up STARVING.. and this is a good thing.. means your metabolism is up and moving before you even are. I dream of food in the early morning, and need it the second I am up…I set my alarm early enough so I can even eat before my little girl does.
This will start your day off right and by the time you hit your break at work your body is asking for more.. so pack some veggies or almonds a piece of fruit. A huge reason people don’t lose weight or have no energy is that they DON’T EAT ENOUGH!!… well or hydrate enough.. but thats another post for another day. So let’s go Adrenaline Junkies get up.. fuel that body and be proud, this starts today!!!
Team AxFit