
Christmas Fit-Bash


DATE: December 22

TIME: 7:00pm

LOCATION:  Walkerville Brewery

The Fit Bash is going to be an absolute blast! The event will be held at The Walkerville Brewery. If you haven’t been in there yet, let me tell you, it’s one of the best venues in Windsor and a perfect place to hold our big bash. We have a the most amazing group , everyone in our class is so motivating to eachother and positive, there’s always laughing and sharing of stories. So This night out together will be amazing, not to mention we can see what style everyone has outside of the sweaty workout clothes.  This Bash will be a great way to get to know eachother more so if you want to play the guitar, sing or share any other skill or talent you may have you are more then welcome! 😀  There’s a stage, a Microphone  and a shit load of space !!  PLEASE INBOX ME IF YOU HAVE A TALENT, need a new more acts!!!

We will be drawing names all night for prizes, and one lucky winner will win a whole FREE YEAR of Adrenaline!!  So sign your name on the back of your ticket so you can drop it in the ballot box for your chance to win.

We have the band Radio Unplugged booked for the night, food,prizes and beer of course.  There’s much more planned for the evening including a few talent acts. We are also opening up the huge space we have to anyone that would like to set a booth up to promote their personal/small Windsor business.   As you all know, we strive to promote local small business and those who have their own personal side passions. So if you or someone you know is interested just complete the application form linked below. This is a great opportunity to reach an audience, gain exposure through media, and promote/sell your product.


  • Announcing Fit-Life Challenge Winner
  • Live Entertainment (Radio Unplugged)
  • Games, Talent Acts, Contest, Give-Aways, Raffles
  • The cash bar is open to us at the Brewery for only $4 a beer
  • Special Announcement from Adrenaline Xtreme Fitness
  • Food, Snack, Appetizers
  • Walkerville Brewery Beer
  • Vendors for last minute Christmas shopping
  • Dessert by Neviana
  • $15 Tickets

We would like a head count for approx. Dec 10th.  So if you can pick up your ticket before then we would be very thankful! 😀


As for the Top Adrenaline Junkies we will have ballots at class the first week of December, so make sure to fill one out and you can vote on the following categories.

Winners will be given some cool prizes and Free Adrenaline sessions!


The Fit-Life winner will be determined by an online vote that will be hosted on windsoriteDOTca next month so keep an eye out for the link and make sure to vote!   This will determine our big winner.  We then will be announcing it that night, these 4 have been working so hard and in our eyes of course they are all winners.  Their attitudes towards being healthy inside-out has become a major priority in their life and they are inspiring everyone around them.   All their friends and families are invited and any of you that have been following this Fit-Life online reality show. Come and meet us and the 4 fit-crew, you can even share how maybe this Fit-Life Challenge has inspired you.


If you or anyone you know would like to have a booth set up at this event please let us know and we can send you all the info.  This is more then just a party and it being days before Christmas people will be looking for some last minute gifts.

  • All are Entered into Draw to Win a Free Website Design by K4 Digital Media
  • $30 to Set-Up Booth
  • Large Facility – Advertised Event – Good Traffic
  • Outlets available for lights or other plugins
  • Must Complete Online Application Form

Application form CLICK HERE