Carrot, Apple & Ginger Juice – Rejuvenation!!!
If you don’t own a Juicer I would buy one just to make this juice! It’s seriously the most perfect blend and the freshness of it gives you an instant buzz, it honestly beats any coffee, latte, tea, espresso or any other bitter, smelly breath hot drink in the morning. It’s so FRESH and so CLEAN, the taste makes you feel alive and I could easily chug the whole pitcher when I make it.
OK so it taste great, but it also helps fight off a lot of crap from infecting your body. All 3 ingredients are very powerful for our bodies and I mean no ones just gonna chew on a piece of ginger so this is a great way to get it in your system once a day.
I am knocking on wood right now saying this, but I haven’t been sick at all this winter. It’s incredible not even a runny nose, is it from the JUICING we do? well I don’t have proof but I believe so. I also haven’t eaten meat since August, a lot of beans, lentils and fish so maybe that has something to do with its. All I know is that I feel better then EVER! I really do, inside out. If you been feeling weak, tired, sluggish or just not quit right try changing something in your diet.
It can be overwhelming to make changes sometimes or you don’t know where to start, just keep it simple. Start with trying almond or rice milks, or just adding in some more fibre (beans, lentils, chickpeas) to your diet. Or buy a juicer and try experimenting with juices, they are fun to mix and match and your body will love it and repay you . My skin, nails and hair feel so strong and I feel like I have a clear mind most days. Hey they say ; You are what you eat!!!
Just a few of their benefits:
Carrots : rich in beta carotene, which converts in the body to Vitamin A, an antioxidant = fights cancer.
Apples: rich in Vitamin C, K , pectin, potassium and other fibers. Apples also lower your cholesterol and keep your blood glucose levels up.
Ginger: is great for calming a stomach ache, head achs and warding off flus and other sicknesses.
4 – Carrots
3-4 – Apples ( depends on size) and Granny smith I find taste the best, I just used what I had kicking around.
1- Thumb size piece of Ginger
*** yields 2 jars like this of Juice.