AXFIT Green Power Smoothie
This smoothie is our number 1 craved smoothie in the summer at our AxFit Health Bar. The taste, texture and natural buzz it gives you minutes after consuming it is addicting and once you start enhancing your body with this smoothie daily you will feel the positive effects too.
So the key to the smoothest smoothies is to freeze as much of the ingredients as possible, doing this also makes it easy to grab and make so there’s no excuses not to add it to your day. We chop up the pineapple, cucumber , kiwi and ginger and freeze on parchment paper on a tray, once frozen toss into zip lock bags and store in freezer. For the Spinach, kale and you could even add parsley and mint if you want, blend these greens in a blender with 2-3 tbs of water then pour the liquid into ice cube trays and freeze, then do the same; toss into a zip lock bag. Now you have these amazing protein packed ice cubes that will make this smoothie rock with the perfect texture.
Here’s the list of ingredients, modify what you must depending on what you may have in your home but in time pick these ingredients up because this combination of ingredients are epic together!
AXFIT Green Power Smoothie
5 to 6 oz of almond milk (use regular milk or water if you prefer)
5 oz tropical juice (we use Organic Mango from the Health section at Zehrs)
2 cubes of pineapple
4 kiwi slices
3 green apple slices
2 spinach cubes
2 kale cubes
Thumb-sized piece of ginger
3 to 5 frozen grapes
3 to 5 frozen cucumbers
Sprinkle of hemp hearts
Blend all the ingredients, depending on your blender and ingredient sizes the consistencies can vary. Add more liquid if it’s thick or frozen ingredients if it’s too thin, it’s a bit of an art when your blending smoothies but just like anything with practice makes perfect. Hemp hearts can be found in all health shops, bulk stores or online, they are a super food that you HAVE TO START ADDING to your diet. We put them in EVERYTHING!