Honey Lemon Water | so simple yet so effective
Who would have thought just 2 kitchen staples dropped in a mug with hot water could do so much for your body inside out.
We have always had Honey Lemon Water as a staple in our home. Morning, mid-day or before bed this hot drink does way more than just sooths your soul. It’s amazing what natures own creations can do for us, the elements that make up a lemon or the whole bee process is just a miracle. Sometimes I think we over look how incredible nature is and how the earth’s elements give us everything we need.
Lemons are just a powerhouse of incredible vital nutrients and antioxidants that fight infection, restore and rejuvenate our bodies. The benefits of a lemon multiply when mixed with warm water and honey. It strengthens your immune system and helps to purify your blood.
Here’s a list of health benefits that Honey Lemon Water provides for you.
- Protects against infections
- Clears Acne & helps give skin a natural glow
- Helps digestion
- Boosts your immune system and metabolism
- Helps Cleanse your liver and intestines
- Balances PH levels (lemons one of the most alkalizing foods)
- Promotes healing inside out
- Aids in weight loss (reduces cravings)
How to make Honey Lemon Water
- Boil water and pour into mug and let cool enough to touch. (Boiled water will destroy some of the enzymes in the lemon)
- Add 1 tsp of organic honey (local if you can source it)
- Add the juice of half a lemon
- Stir with a spoon and enjoy!
** rinse or brush teeth after as the citric acid in lemons can eat away at your tooth enamel.