Here’s this week’s #FITWEEK Challenge!!!
100 Pushups a day for 7 days :
50: Regular pushups
25: Close Pushups
25: Wide Pushups
So pushups are one of the oldest workouts known to man and it is still one of the most effective, if done properly your whole body will gain from them. Pushups are an amazing exercise and when done consistanly the results can show very fast, toned arms and core will happen you just have to stay at it! GET LOW, it is so important to get right down as low as you can, if you can’t do this on your feet then drop your knees and do it! Every rep really does count, so focus on the muscles your using and the results you want to see.
This is our very first #FITWEEK Challenge, so join in and do 100 pushups a day for 7 days. It only takes a few minutes and I bet you will feel and see a difference by the end of the week.
Share this with your friends, let’s get everyone involved!