What did you have for breakfast today??
So I Woke up this morning and while crunching on my breakfast I thought I should share it with you!!! It’s my favourite breakfast go too… Yogurt parfait! I always have yogurt, fruit and Kashi cereal in my house. This is a quick healthy breakfast or snack for that matter, that will give you awesome energy for your day and workout . This Kashi cereal is so light.. it’s my all time fav cereal because you dont have that heavy feeling after your done eating it. I don’t know if you have ever tried this cereal but it rocks man.. they have a bunch of different flavours and its low in fat but really high in protein. The orginal one has 13 grams of protein which is awesome for cereal and by the time you throw in some milk or yogurt your at about 20 grams of protein… handful of bananas or berries and Voila a yummy healthy way to fuel your body!
And hey… If your still in that bad habbit of leaving your house with only a coffee in your system you need to get with it.. it’s 2012 man.. we are all well educated by this point to know how important breakfast is for you… your body is crying for that fuel in the morning and will perform at a much successful rate in return, mentally..physically and emotionally.
Eat up!!!