Stair Workout Exercises – Cross Training
OK so I believe that if you don’t have horrible knees, back or a sore neck then you have to be training stairs!! If it’s not in the hamster wheel at the gym then go find some stairs in your city!!! Urban training is a blast and there is so much at our fingertips always. Every where I look I see tools to train on, the streets is our gym. All of us, get out there and make use of it, hit up a parking garage stair case and train them until you possibly get kicked out. Sneak into a condo, stadium or tall building for their stairs. Just make it happen!
Wow and your legs, back, core, cardio, lungs.. Booty… I could go on and on about how much better I feel. Just by adding this into my routine once a week I feel a big difference in my performance at the gym, in my running and the way I look in the mirror.
In this video I show you just two drills that we like to do during our stair workouts. We change it up weekly, always trying new stuff, making it harder each week, constantly pushing our limits. That is what it takes to hit those results you dream of, never quitting, pushing through every burn. The strong , tight muscles you feel later that day and for the next 3-4 days is so rewarding. I LOVE IT!
Try some stairs out in your city, take a picture and share it with us on right here on AXFIT.COM, we would love to see what your up too. Set a new goal today and get after it!!
Push yourself or your clients to their max every time you train!! Keep an eye on proper form and push their limits!