HEALTHY HEMP HEARTS SUPER FOOD | Are They A Staple In Your Home Yet?
These Healthy Hemp Hearts are a “must have” in your house hold from here on out!!
I had no clue these little Hemp Hearts existed until Neviana told me about them a few months ago. I was also shocked with the amount of protein it has in it, 10grams for every 3 tbs. They are also packed with Omega-3’s , if you read the list below it will really help you understand why these little hearts are an amazing Super Food.
These shelled hemp seeds are the most concentrated and best balanced Source of Proteins, Essential Fats and Vitamins that Nature has to offer. I am so happy to now have them a part of my diet so I had to share it with all of you. CK and I put them in all our warps, shakes, salads and I am now baking with them too. They improve your energy level and decrease your cravings for sweets so it woul dbe very smart to add the to your breakfast in any way you can. You can even eat them plain right off your spoon.
If you have kids, start sneaking Hemp Hearts into their diets. This will benefit them in so many ways and you will feel happy to know they are getting the proper nutrients they need in the day.
How does HEMP HEARTS (SHELLED HEMP SEED) Compare with other foods.
- Contains more required amino acids (proteins) than milk, meat or eggs.
- It’s a complete protein source and is easier to digest than Soy products.
- Contains about 47% oil, and 78% of which is omega 3 & 6–the essential fats.
- Contains all the essential or omega fats required for human health.
- Contains several times more omega 3 essential fat than any fish.
- Provides more energy than energy bars without their sugar and with less saturated fat.
- Is suitable for those unable to eat gluten, sugar, milk, nuts & meat.
- Is perfect for those troubled with constipation and for those avoiding carbohydrates.
Benefits of Hemp Hearts:
- Increased Energy
- Helps Lower Blood Pressure
- Improves Digestion
- Natural way to help control Blood Pressure
Ways to Use Hemp Hearts:
- Sprinkle in your favourite recipes
- Add to salads, wraps, cereal, oatmeal and stir frys
- Throw into your shakes, yogurt parfaits
- Bake with them; muffins, cookies, pancakes etc.
- Coat your chicken or chops with it instead of breadcrumbs
- Blend it with cocoa/peanut butter /other nuts to make a spread for your toast
- Sneak some in your purse or pocket even… and add them to your food when your dinning out. haha