Circuit Training – Exercise Ideas
As the winter months are wrapping up so is our indoor training, Im getting really excited to get outside with my Adrenaline classes. Especially our outdoor circuits, the hills, water and sand our calling our names and I am going to make this years outdoor training harder then ever.
This week we hit up a great circuit in the gym, everyone gave it their all. We had 9 stations and went 1 minute at each station rotating though it all 2 times. I gave them no rest in between sations only a 2 minute break after the first time through. With a group this big you have to keep it moving, get on your clients in between the stations to move fast and let them know your timer doesn’t start until everyones at their station. I’lll even yell out “don’t be the one to hold up the whole group…let’s go hustle, in 3..2…1 GO!!”.
If you aren’t on it, and keeping the pace going then before you know it your circuit took up the whole hour and you have no time for anything else. In an hour training session, I wan’t to pack in as much as I can at a safe and efficient speed. My members ALWAYS want to do Abs, thats just what they love to do, as much as I tell them all this other training we do will work their tummy’s more then some crunches & situps will, they still just love training their abs on the mat. So I always try to give the what they want, I mean they are the ones paying to be there right.?
So it’s important to stay on top of the “talker’s”, keep the people flowing and moving from one station to the next quickly. A circuit like this, with 9 stations and a minute at each, so that’s 9 minutes of training with 30 sec. or so of rotation time after each so add another 5 minutes and a break at end thats 15 minutes total for one rotation through it all. I usually push them through it 2 times so that’s a 30 minute workout right there.
It’s smart to look at your training that way, so as your planning your sessions before hand you are organized. You will be aware of your time frames which will make sure you give your clients the full bang for their buck!
Check out the video, I go through the 9 stations from our circuit maybe there will be a new exercise you haven’t used before. Try them out on your clients, keep things fresh and have fun with it!!