100 Dips a day – #FitWeek Challenge
Ok, so let’s hit it up those tri’s hard this week, our #FitWeek Challenge is to do 100 Dips a Day for 7 Days. So you can do them all at once or break them up throughout your day but I want 100 everyday!! Your arms will love you from it and it’s really not that many so get after it and let’s tone those arms up.
Remember keep your form spot on, back and head straight, bend at the elbow and keep your butt close to the object your doing them on. Legs can be bent or straight really whatever your comfortable with. Use a chair, step bench, if you belong to a gym then hit them up on the dip bars. You can do dips off your bath tube, chair at work…anywhere.
Hey if you want take a picture and post it on my Facebook wall and show us how you do your dips and where!!
Have fun with this and lets get 700 Dips done this week !